Creating Passive Income
With a Focus on Faith and Family



Real Estate
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Why Multifamily Real Estate?

Real estate is an asset class that historically has less downside risk, compared to the stock market.

Cash Flow
Multifamily real estate generates consistent, predictable income.

Tax Benefits
Depreciation is a great tax write-off that keeps more of your income in your pocket.

Purchasing value-add properties positions your portfolio for future appreciation.
Threefold Real Estate Investing
Real Estate Syndication Company
Threefold Real Estate Investing is a real estate syndication company. Our goals and motivations are to improve the lives of our investors and our residents through value-add properties that produce exceptional returns, while providing a wonderful place to live. Our team works diligently to find and purchase the best properties with the best returns, and while we pride ourselves on these excellent returns, our company’s primary focus and partnership is with God and discovering His will for our business.
Units Under Management
The Founder's Story

After graduating with my Doctorate in Physical Therapy, I found myself in a job that consumed my time, energy, and capacity. As I did well at work, time with my family lessened, and I was burdened with more responsibility and stress. My relationships with my wife, my young kids, and my God all suffered. I actually really enjoyed my work, but I could not come to terms with how much of my life was held captive to it.
This is when I found real estate.
I took the next couple of years to build my real estate portfolio and convince my wife that I wasn’t going to bankrupt us (hopefully). This eventually allowed me the financial means to leave my high-paying, high-pressure job in order to pursue a career and a life on our own terms. My wife and I now spend our time working in tandem to build our business, raise our family, and most of all, further His Kingdom through the giftings and life that God has blessed us with.
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the answer is...
Passive Income
To learn more about how you can free up time for the things that truly matter most in life, sign up below to receive our FREE Ebook, “5 Steps to Passive Income for the Full-Time Dad”.
The Meaning of “Threefold”
“A threefold cord is not quickly broken.”
Ecclesiastes 4:12
“Threefold” captures our vision and hope for our business. In all our relationships, we acknowledge God as the third party consistently leading us. We believe that including God in every aspect of our company will keep us in line with His Word and ultimately His will and direction for Threefold Real Estate Investing.